
“The shoes you dream of filling have already been worn ragged through their soles. You’ve gotta step into your own kicks and just do you.”

-Alicia Keys, More Myself (Book)


N.L. Blandford’s journal will explore her life as a writer and provide tips, tools, and tricks that worked for her to make a dream a reality.

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Pantsing vs Plotting
N.L. Blandford N.L. Blandford

Pantsing vs Plotting

When I set out to write a book I had never heard the terms ‘Pantser’, Plotter’ or Plantser. It was only after I published, joined writing communities and started listening to podcasts around writing that these terms entered my vocabulary. What I learned was - I am 90% pantser and 10% plotter.

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Marketing A Book (part 1)
N.L. Blandford N.L. Blandford

Marketing A Book (part 1)

I hadn’t given any thought to trying to market a book in the hopes of more than those outside my social circle reading it. As such, I am now overwhelmed trying to play catch up. Having a marketing plan before you release your book is a must - oops.

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Crafting Insight
N.L. Blandford N.L. Blandford

Crafting Insight

What is the secret to crafting insight and doing it well? Work with images. With every scene, strive for accuracy—describe things exactly as they are.

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Writing and my mental health
N.L. Blandford N.L. Blandford

Writing and my mental health

Writers weave words together to take a reader on a journey. While doing this, writers themselves go on an emotional journey as we battle our own mental health demons.

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Editor & Beta Reader
N.L. Blandford N.L. Blandford

Editor & Beta Reader

An author’s relationship with their editor and beta readers is important. See how I approached my first time working with each!

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Writing my first manuscript
N.L. Blandford N.L. Blandford

Writing my first manuscript

The day I turned on my computer, determined to start writing a novel, I was intimidated by the flashing cursor on a blank screen. What would that first word be? Was I really going to try and write a full blown novel? What if I couldn’t think of the right words to represent my story? What if I was no good?

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