

Some of my favourite days involve curling up under a blanket, with a hot cup of tea and a book. Transported into worlds full of an array of characters, who I bond with as the pages turn. As I walk along with them in their story, I have felt their heartbreak, longed for their survival and cheered with their victories. On occasion, I have tossed the book in frustration to a twist I hadn’t predicted. 

I have always wondered what it would be like to live the lives of the characters I read. From having Anne with an E’s imagination, determination and strong will as she navigated her way through a new family, friends and life at Green Gables, to time traveling with Simon Morley to watch a letter being mailed in 1882. I learned about the intricacies of relationships all while wishing I could just close my eyes and wake up in another year. 

Not all of the worlds I entered were fantastical. My love of history has led me to regularly read nonfiction about WWI and WWII. The reality of these stories are not only informative, but they are sometimes more inspiring than the fiction. The journeys our predecessors walked are sometimes unimaginable, and yet as real as the pages I turn. 

Additionally, through my full-time job investigating fraud, I have learned much about human behaviour and what pushes a person to different lengths. 

It is the combination of fantastical and reality that inspired me to create characters and worlds of my own. 

Most of my work comes from a desire to bring awareness to social issues through fictional worlds. The twists and turns the characters face enthrall readers while they see, feel and learn more about the reality of the world outside the pages. 

I write stories to give voices to those who may not be heard.

Book Jacket Bio:

N. L. Blandford is passionate about creating awareness around social issues through fictional stories. Her cunning and fearless characters take readers on thrilling journeys rooted in truth.

N. L. Blandford resides in Nova Scotia where she has built a life of dream exploration with her husband, mild mannered dog, Watson, and two cats Loki and Lulu.