You’ve found the home of N.L. Blandford, an author who doesn’t fit into a mold!
I write gripping thrillers that captivate readers and play on their emotions.
I’m passionate about creating awareness around social issues through fictional stories, while cunning and fearless characters take you on thrilling journeys rooted in truth.
My first series, The Perilous Road Series, shines a light on the prevalent problem of human trafficking. In the future, I hope to explore PTSD, grief, societal expectations around women (beauty/success etc.) and much more.
I’m also the Canadian Ambassador for the Alliance for Independent Authors (ALLi), where I “advocate for the equitable treatment of the independent author.”
Here you’ll find:
My thrill seekers newsletter, where you can get access to EXCLUSIVE and FREE writing - a free novella, book excerpts and more. You’ll be the first to know how my writing journey is going, what’s next for readers and what I’m doing when I’m not writing.
My books and my progress on what’s next.
My contact page, where you can ask me questions about my writing or invite me to your book club (virtually).
I’ve been on a few podcasts so take a listen under recordings.
Take a look around and don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter to get a free novella and keep up to date!
What I’m Working On
Many ideas reside in my head and here are a few things I’m working on.
Book Progress
On The Perilous Road will showcase the events in William Hammond’s life that made him the villain everyone hates to love in The Perilous Road Series. (In Progress)
Escaping Victoria, Book 1 - Townsend Crime Novel, will focus on a female’s perspective as a high ranking member of a successful mob family after the death of (spoiler). (Coming May/June 2025)
The Family Pawn Book 2 - Townsend Crime Novel, will focus on Victoria’s hunt for (spoiler) and maintaining power in The Family.
Non-Fiction - I’m considering publishing books about being a Part-Time Author and still making dreams come true! (On Hold)